Reference for unit 'sysutils': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
AbandonSignalHandler Abandon the signal handler
Abort Abort program execution.
AddDisk Add a disk to the list of known disks (Unix only)
AddTerminateProc Add a procedure to the exit chain.
AdjustLineBreaks Convert possible line-endings to the currently valid line ending.
AnsiCompareFileName Compare 2 filenames.
AnsiCompareStr Compare 2 ansistrings, case sensitive, ignoring accents characters.
AnsiCompareText Compare 2 ansistrings, case insensitive, ignoring accents characters.
AnsiDequotedStr Extract string without quotes
AnsiExtractQuotedStr Removes the first quoted string from a string.
AnsiLastChar Return a pointer to the last character of a string.
AnsiLowerCase Return a lowercase version of a string.
AnsiLowerCaseFileName Convert filename to lowercase.
AnsiPos Return Position of one ansistring in another.
AnsiQuotedStr Return a quoted version of a string.
AnsiSameStr Checks whether 2 strings are the same (case sensitive)
AnsiSameText Checks whether 2 strings are the same (case insensitive)
AnsiStrComp Compare two null-terminated strings. Case sensitive.
AnsiStrIComp Compare two null-terminated strings. Case insensitive.
AnsiStrLastChar Return a pointer to the last character of a string.
AnsiStrLComp Compare a limited number of characters of 2 strings
AnsiStrLIComp Compares a given number of characters of a string, case insensitive.
AnsiStrLower Convert a null-terminated string to all-lowercase characters.
AnsiStrPos Return position of one null-terminated substring in another
AnsiStrRScan Find last occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string.
AnsiStrScan Find first occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string.
AnsiStrUpper Convert a null-terminated string to all-uppercase characters.
AnsiUpperCase Return an uppercase version of a string, taking into account special characters.
AnsiUpperCaseFileName Convert filename to uppercase.
AppendStr Append one ansistring to another.
ApplicationName Return a default application name
AssignStr Assigns an ansistring to a null-terminated string.
BCDToInt Convert a BCD coded integer to a normal integer.
Beep Sound the system bell.
BoolToStr Convert a boolean value to a string.
ByteLength Length (in bytes) of a unicodestring
BytesOf Return the bytes in a string
ByteToCharIndex Convert a character index in Bytes to an Index in characters
ByteToCharLen Convert a length in bytes to a length in characters.
ByteType Return the type of byte in an ansistring for a multi-byte character set
CallTerminateProcs Call the exit chain procedures.
ChangeFileExt Change the extension of a filename.
CharInSet Check whether a char is in a set of characters
CharToByteLen Convert a length in characters to a length in bytes.
CodePageNameToCodePage Return a numeric identifier for the codepage.
CodePageToCodePageName Convert a numeric codepage identifier to a codepage name
CompareMem Compare two memory areas.
CompareMemRange Compare 2 memory locations
CompareStr Compare 2 ansistrings case-sensitively, ignoring special characters.
CompareText Compare 2 ansistrings case insensitive.
ComposeDateTime Add a date and time
ConcatPaths Concatenate an array of paths to form a single path
CreateDir Create a new directory
CreateGUID Create a new GUID
CurrentYear Return the current year
CurrToStr Convert a currency value to a string.
CurrToStrF Format a currency to a string
Date Return the current date.
DateTimeToFileDate Convert a TDateTime value to a file age (integer)
DateTimeToStr Converts a TDateTime value to a string using a predefined format.
DateTimeToString Converts a TDateTime value to a string with a given format.
DateTimeToSystemTime Converts a TDateTime value to a systemtime structure.
DateTimeToTimeStamp Converts a TDateTime value to a TimeStamp structure.
DateToStr Converts a TDateTime value to a date string with a predefined format.
DayOfWeek Returns the day of the week.
DecodeDate Decode a TDateTime to a year,month,day triplet
DecodeDateFully Decode a date with additional date of the week.
DecodeTime Decode a TDateTime to a hour,minute,second,millisec quartet
DeleteFile Delete a file from the file system.
DirectoryExists Check whether a directory exists in the file system.
DiskFree Return the amount of free diskspace
DiskSize Return the total amount of diskspace.
DisposeStr Dispose an ansistring from the heap.
DoDirSeparators Convert known directory separators to the current directory separator.
EncodeDate Encode a Year,Month,Day to a TDateTime value.
EncodeTime Encode a Hour,Min,Sec,millisec to a TDateTime value.
ExceptAddr Current exception address.
ExceptFrameCount Number of frames included in an exception backtrace
ExceptFrames Return the current exception stack frames
ExceptionErrorMessage Return a message describing the exception.
ExceptObject Current Exception object.
ExcludeLeadingPathDelimiter Strip the leading path delimiter of a path
ExcludeTrailingBackslash Strip trailing directory separator from a pathname, if needed.
ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter Strip trailing directory separator from a pathname, if needed.
ExecuteProcess Execute another process (program).
ExeSearch Search for an executable
ExpandFileName Expand a relative filename to an absolute filename.
ExpandFileNameCase Expand a filename entered as case insensitive to the full path as stored on the disk.
ExpandUNCFileName Expand a relative filename to an absolute UNC filename.
ExtractFileDir Extract the drive and directory part of a filename.
ExtractFileDrive Extract the drive part from a filename.
ExtractFileExt Return the extension from a filename.
ExtractFileName Extract the filename part from a full path filename.
ExtractFilePath Extract the path from a filename.
ExtractRelativePath Extract a relative path from a filename, given a base directory.
ExtractShortPathName Returns a 8.3 path name
FileAge Return the timestamp of a file.
FileClose Close a file handle.
FileCreate Create a new file and return a handle to it.
FileDateToDateTime Convert a FileDate value to a TDateTime value.
FileExists Check whether a particular file exists in the file system.
FileGetAttr Return attributes of a file.
FileGetDate Return the file time of an opened file.
FileIsReadOnly Check whether a file is read-only.
FileOpen Open an existing file and return a file handle
FileRead Read data from a file handle in a buffer.
FileSearch Search for a file in a path.
FileSeek Set the current file position on a file handle.
FileSetAttr Set the attributes of a file.
FileSetDate Set the date of a file.
FileTruncate Truncate an open file to a given size.
FileWrite Write data from a buffer to a given file handle.
FindClose Close a find handle
FindCmdLineSwitch Check whether a certain switch is present on the command-line.
FindFirst Start a file search and return a findhandle
FindNext Find the next entry in a findhandle.
FloattoCurr Convert a float to a Currency value.
FloatToDateTime Convert a float to a TDateTime value.
FloatToDecimal Convert a float value to a TFloatRec value.
FloatToStr Convert a float value to a string using a fixed format.
FloatToStrF Convert a float value to a string using a given format.
FloatToText Return a string representation of a float, with a given format.
FloatToTextFmt Convert a float value to a string using a given mask.
FmtStr Format a string with given arguments.
ForceDirectories Create a chain of directories
Format Format a string with given arguments.
FormatBuf Format a string with given arguments and store the result in a buffer.
FormatCurr Format a currency
FormatDateTime Return a string representation of a TDateTime value with a given format.
FormatFloat Format a float according to a certain mask.
FreeAndNil Free object if needed, and set object reference to Nil
FreeMemAndNil Free the heap memory pointed to by a pointer and set pointer to nil.
GetAppConfigDir Return the appropriate directory for the application's configuration files.
GetAppConfigFile Return an appropriate name for an application configuration file.
GetCurrentDir Return the current working directory of the application.
GetDirs Return a list of directory names from a path.
GetDriveIDFromLetter Return the drive ID based on a drive letter
GetEnvironmentString Return an environment variable by index.
GetEnvironmentVariable Return the value of an environment variable.
GetEnvironmentVariableCount Return the number of variables in the environment.
GetFileHandle Extract OS handle from an untyped file or text file.
GetLastOSError Return the last code from the OS.
GetLocalTime Get the local time.
GetLocalTimeOffset Return local timezone offset
GetModuleName Return the name of the current module
GetTempDir Return name of system's temporary directory
GetTempFileName Return the name of a temporary file.
GetTickCount Get tick count (32-bit, deprecated)
GetTickCount64 Get tick count (64-bit)
GetUserDir Returns the current user's home directory.
GuidCase Return the index of a GUID in an array of GUID values
GUIDToString Convert a TGUID to a string representation.
HashName Calculate a hash from a null-terminated string
HookSignal Hook a specified signal
IncAMonth Increase a date with a certain amount of months
IncludeLeadingPathDelimiter Prepend a path delimiter if there is not already one.
IncludeTrailingBackslash Add trailing directory separator to a pathname, if needed.
IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter Add trailing directory separator to a pathname, if needed.
IncMonth Increases the month in a TDateTime value with a given amount.
InquireSignal Check whether a signal handler is set (unix only)
IntToHex Convert an integer value to a hexadecimal string.
IntToStr Convert an integer value to a decimal string.
IsDelimiter Check whether a given string is a delimiter character.
IsEqualGUID Check whether two TGUID variables are equal.
IsLeapYear Determine whether a year is a leap year.
IsPathDelimiter Is the character at the given position a pathdelimiter ?
IsValidIdent Check whether a string is a valid identifier name.
LastDelimiter Return the last occurrence of a set of delimiters in a string.
LeftStr Return a number of characters starting at the left of a string.
LoadStr Load a string from the resource tables.
LowerCase Return a lowercase version of a string.
MSecsToTimeStamp Convert a number of milliseconds to a TDateTime value.
NewStr Allocate a new ansistring on the heap.
Now Returns the current date and time.
OutOfMemoryError Raise an EOutOfMemory exception
QuotedStr Return a quotes version of a string.
RaiseLastOSError Raise an exception with the last Operating System error code.
RemoveDir Remove a directory from the file system.
RenameFile Rename a file.
ReplaceDate Replace the date part of a date/time stamp
ReplaceTime Replace the time part
RightStr Return a number of characters from a string, starting at the end.
SafeLoadLibrary Load a library safely
SameFileName Are two filenames referring to the same file ?
SameStr Check whether 2 strings are the same, case insensitive
SameText Checks whether 2 strings are the same (case insensitive)
SetCurrentDir Set the current directory of the application.
SetDirSeparators Set the directory separators to the known directory separators.
ShowException Show the current exception to the user.
Sleep Suspend execution of a program for a certain time.
SScanf Scan a string for substrings and return the substrings
StrAlloc Allocate a null-terminated string on the heap.
StrBufSize Return the size of a null-terminated string allocated on the heap.
StrByteType Return the type of byte in a null-terminated string for a multi-byte character set
strcat Concatenate 2 null-terminated strings.
StrCharLength Return the length of a null-terminated string in characters.
strcomp Compare 2 null-terminated strings, case sensitive.
StrCopy Copy a null-terminated string
StrDispose Dispose of a null-terminated string on the heap.
strecopy Copy a null-terminated string, return a pointer to the end.
strend Return a pointer to the end of a null-terminated string
StrFmt Format a string with given arguments, store the result in a buffer.
stricomp Compare 2 null-terminated strings, case insensitive.
StringOf Create a Unicode string from an array of bytes
StringReplace Replace occurrences of one substring with another in a string.
StringToGUID Convert a string to a native TGUID type.
strlcat Concatenate 2 null-terminated strings, with length boundary.
strlcomp Compare limited number of characters of 2 null-terminated strings
StrLCopy Copy a null-terminated string, limited in length.
StrLen Length of a null-terminated string.
StrLFmt Format a string with given arguments, but with limited length.
strlicomp Compare limited number of characters in 2 null-terminated strings, ignoring case.
strlower Convert null-terminated string to all-lowercase.
StrMove Move a null-terminated string to new location.
strnew Allocate room for new null-terminated string.
StrNextChar Returns a pointer to the location of the next empty character in a null-terminated string
StrPas Convert a null-terminated string to an ansistring.
StrPCopy Copy an ansistring to a null-terminated string.
StrPLCopy Copy a limited number of characters from an ansistring to a null-terminated string.
strpos Find position of one null-terminated substring in another.
strrscan Find last occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string.
StrScan Find first occurrence of a character in a null-terminated string.
StrToBool Convert a string to a boolean value
StrToBoolDef Convert string to boolean value, returning default in case of error
StrToCurr Convert a string to a currency value
StrToCurrDef Convert a string to a currency value, using a default value
StrToDate Convert a date string to a TDateTime value.
StrToDateDef Convert string to date, returning a default value
StrToDateTime Convert a date/time string to a TDateTime value.
StrToDateTimeDef Convert string to date/time, returning a default value
StrToDWord Convert string to DWord (cardinal)
StrToDWordDef Convert string to DWord (cardinal), using default
StrToFloat Convert a string to a floating-point value.
StrToFloatDef Convert a string to a float, with a default value.
StrToInt Convert a string to an integer value.
StrToInt64 Convert a string to an Int64 value.
StrToInt64Def Convert a string to an Int64 value, with a default value
StrToIntDef Convert a string to an integer value, with a default value.
StrToQWord Convert a string to a QWord.
StrToQWordDef Try to convert a string to a QWord, returning a default value in case of failure.
StrToTime Convert a time string to a TDateTime value.
StrToTimeDef Convert string to time, returning a default value
strupper Convert null-terminated string to all-uppercase
Supports Check whether a class or given interface supports an interface
SysErrorMessage Format a system error message.
SystemTimeToDateTime Convert a system time to a TDateTime value.
TextToFloat Convert a buffer to a float value.
Time Returns the current time.
TimeStampToDateTime Convert a TimeStamp value to a TDateTime value.
TimeStampToMSecs Converts a timestamp to a number of milliseconds.
TimeToStr Convert a TDateTime time to a string using a predefined format.
Trim Trim whitespace from the ends of a string.
TrimLeft Trim whitespace from the beginning of a string.
TrimRight Trim whitespace from the end of a string.
TryEncodeDate Try to encode a date, and indicate success.
TryEncodeTime Try to encode a time, and indicate success.
TryFloatToCurr Try to convert a float value to a currency value and report on success.
TryStringToGUID Try to transform a string to a GUID
TryStrToBool Try to convert a string to a boolean value
TryStrToCurr Try to convert a string to a currency
TryStrToDate Try to convert a string with a date indication to a TDateTime value
TryStrToDateTime Try to convert a string with date/time indication to a TDateTime value
TryStrToDWord Try to convert a string to DWord (cardinal)
TryStrToFloat Try to convert a string to a float.
TryStrToInt Try to convert a string to an integer, and report on success.
TryStrToInt64 Try to convert a string to an int64 value, and report on success.
TryStrToQWord Try to convert a string to a QWord value, and report on success
TryStrToTime Try to convert a string with a time indication to a TDateTime value
UnhookSignal UnHook a specified signal
UnicodeCompareStr Compare 2 Unicode strings
UnicodeCompareText Compare 2 strings case insensitively
UnicodeFmtStr Format a string with given arguments, procedural version.
UnicodeFormat Format Unicode string
UnicodeFormatBuf Format a Unicode string with given arguments and store the result in a unicodebuffer.
UnicodeLowerCase Return lowercase version of a string
UnicodeSameStr Check whether 2 strings are equal
UnicodeSameText Check whether 2 strings are the same, ignoring case
UnicodeStringReplace Replace one occurrence of a string with another
UnicodeUpperCase Return uppercase version of a string
UpperCase Return an uppercase version of a string.
VendorName Return Application vendor Name
WideBytesOf Returns the contents of a widestring as an array of bytes
WideCompareStr Compare two widestrings (case sensitive)
WideCompareText Compare two widestrings (ignoring case).
WideFmtStr Widestring format
WideFormat Format a wide string.
WideFormatBuf Format widestring in a buffer.
WideLowerCase Change a widestring to all-lowercase.
WideSameStr Check whether two widestrings are the same (case sensitive)
WideSameText Check whether two widestrings are the same (ignoring case)
WideStrAlloc Allocate a null-terminated widestring on the heap.
WideStringOf Create Unicode string from array of bytes
WideStringReplace Replace occurrences of one substring with another in a widestring.
WideUpperCase Change a widestring to all-uppercase.
WrapText Word-wrap a text.

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