Reference for unit 'Dos': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
AddDisk Add disk definition to list if drives (Unix only)
DiskFree Get free size on Disk.
DiskSize Get total size of disk.
DosExitCode Exit code of last executed program.
DosVersion Current OS version
DTToUnixDate Convert a DateTime to Unix timestamp
EnvCount Return the number of environment variables
EnvStr Return environment variable by index
Exec Execute another program, and wait for it to finish.
FExpand Expand a relative path to an absolute path
FindClose Dispose resources allocated by a FindFirst /FindNext sequence.
FindFirst Start search for one or more files.
FindNext Find next matching file after FindFirst
FSearch Search a file in searchpath
FSplit Split a full-path filename in parts.
GetCBreak Get control-Break flag
GetDate Get the current date
GetEnv Get environment variable by name.
GetFAttr Get file attributes
GetFTime Get file last modification time.
GetIntVec Get interrupt vector
GetLongName Get the long filename of a DOS 8.3 filename.
GetMsCount Number of milliseconds since a starting point.
GetShortName Get the short (8.3) filename of a long filename.
GetTime Return the current time
GetVerify Get verify flag
Intr Execute interrupt
Keep Terminate and stay resident.
MSDos Execute MS-DOS system call
PackTime Pack DateTime value to a packed-time format.
SetCBreak Set Control-Break flag status
SetDate Set system date
SetFAttr Set file attributes
SetFTime Set file modification time.
SetIntVec Set interrupt vector
SetTime Set system time
SetVerify Set verify flag
SwapVectors Swap interrupt vectors
UnixDateToDt Convert a Unix timestamp to a DateTime record
UnpackTime Unpack packed file time to a DateTime value
weekday Return the day of the week

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