Reference for unit 'Classes': Types

Type Description
HMODULE Special type for handling modules.
HRSRC Type to manage resources
PPointerList Pointer to an array of pointers.
PStringItem Pointer to a TStringItem record.
PStringItemList Pointer to a TStringItemList .
TActiveXRegType Used when registering ActveX component types.
TAlignment Type to specify text alignment in controls that display text.
TAncestorNotFoundEvent This event occurs when an ancestor component cannot be found.
TBasicActionClass TBasicAction class reference.
TBasicActionLinkClass TBasicActionLink class reference.
TBiDiMode BIDI description
TBitArray Array to store bits.
TCollectionItemClass Class reference for TCollectionItem .
TCollectionNotification Collection change notification enumeration.
TCollectionSortCompare Callback to sort collection items
TComponentClass Class of TComponent
TComponentName Special type for component names.
TComponentState Indicates the state of the component during the streaming process.
TComponentStyle Describes the style of the component.
TCreateComponentEvent Event handler type, occurs when a component instance must be created when a component is read from a stream.
TDataModuleClass Class pointer for TDataModule
TDuplicates Type to describe what to do with duplicate values in a TStringlist .
TExceptionClass Class of Exception
TFilerFlag Flags used by the TFiler class
TFilerFlags Set of TFilerFlag
TFindAncestorEvent Event that occurs w
TFindComponentClassEvent Event handler type, occurs when a component class pointer must be found when reading a component from a stream.
TFindGlobalComponent Callback type to search for a component.
TFindMethodEvent Occurs when the streaming process needs to locate a method
TFPObservedOperation Operation which is reported to an observer
TGetChildProc Callback used when obtaining child components.
TGetStrProc Event for retrieving string values.
THandle Type to manage streams.
THelpContext Range type to specify help contexts.
THelpEvent Special event for display of online help.
THelpType Enumeration type specifying the kind of help requested.
TIdentMapEntry Record used when associating names with integer values.
TIdentToInt Callback for converting identifiers to integers.
TInitComponentHandler Callback type for RegisterInitComponentHandler
TIntToIdent Callback for converting integers to identifiers.
TLeftRight Subrange type based on TAlignment
TListAssignOp List assign operation
TListCallback Method callback type for TFPList.ForEachCall
TListNotification Kind of list notification event.
TListSortCompare Callback type for the list sort algorithm.
TListStaticCallback Static method callback type for TFPList.ForEachCall
TNotifyCallBack Thread termination callback handler
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TObjectTextEncoding Encoding of the object text file
TOperation Operation of which a component is notified.
TPersistentClass Class reference type for TPersistent .
TPoint Special type to handle a fake TComponent position
TPointerList Type for an Array of pointers.
TPropertyNotFoundEvent Callback for the TReader.OnPropertyNotFound event.
TReadComponentsProc Callback type when reading a component from a stream
TReaderError Event handler type, called when an error occurs during the streaming.
TReaderProc Reader procedure used by DefineProperties]()
TReadWriteStringPropertyEvent Callback for the TReader.OnReadStringProperty event handler
TRect Describes a rectangle
TReferenceNameEvent Occurs when a named object needs to be looked up.
TSeekOrigin Specifies the origin of the TStream.Seek method.
TSetMethodPropertyEvent Callback for the TReader.OnSetMethodProperty event.
TSetNameEvent Occurs when the reader needs to set a component's name.
TShiftState Indicates what special keys were pressed in combination with a normal key
TShiftStateEnum Keyboard/Mouse shift state enumerator
TShortCut Enumeration type to identify shortcut key combinations.
TSmallPoint Type to describe point in a small plane.
TStreamOwnership Determines the ownership of a TStreamAdapter
TStreamProc Procedure type used in streaming.
TStringItem The TStringItem is used to store the string and object items in a TStringList string list instance. It should never be used directly.
TStringItemList Array of TStringItem records.
TStringListSortCompare Callback type used in stringlist compares.
TStringsOption Enumeration of options used in TStrings
TStringsOptions Set of TStringsOption
TStringsSortStyle Determines how the strings are sorted
TStringsSortStyles Set of TStringsSortStyle
TSynchronizeProcVar Synchronize callback type
TThreadExecuteCallBack Signature of procedure to execute in a thread, without status reporting
TThreadExecuteHandler Signature of method to execute in a thread, without status reporting
TThreadExecuteStatusCallBack Signature of procedure to execute in a thread, with status reporting
TThreadExecuteStatusHandler Signature of method to execute in a thread, with status reporting
TThreadMethod Procedure variable used when synchronizing threads.
TThreadPriority Enumeration specifying the priority at which a thread runs.
TThreadReportStatus Thread status report callback prototype
TThreadStatusNotifyCallBack Signature of thread status report callback
TThreadStatusNotifyEvent Signature of thread status report event handler
TValueType Enumerated type used to identify the kind of streamed property
TWriteMethodPropertyEvent Callback for the TWriter.OnWriteMethodProperty event.
TWriterProc Writer procedure used by DefineProperties]()

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