
[Properties (by Name)][Methods (by Name)][Events (by Name)]

Standard implementation of the TStrings class.


Source position: classesh.inc line 817

  TStringList = class (TStrings)
    FList : PStringItemList;
    FCount : Integer;
    FCapacity : Integer;
    FOnChange : TNotifyEvent;
    FOnChanging : TNotifyEvent;
    FDuplicates : TDuplicates;
    FCaseSensitive : Boolean;
    FForceSort : Boolean;
    FOwnsObjects : Boolean;
    FSortStyle : TStringsSortStyle;
    procedure ExchangeItemsInt(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer);
    function GetSorted : Boolean;
    procedure Grow;
    procedure InternalClear(FromIndex: Integer; ClearOnly: Boolean);
    procedure SetSorted(Value: Boolean);
    procedure SetCaseSensitive(b: Boolean);
    procedure SetSortStyle(AValue: TStringsSortStyle);
    procedure CheckIndex(AIndex: Integer);
    procedure ExchangeItems(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer);  Virtual;
    procedure Changed;  Virtual;
    procedure Changing;  Virtual;
    function Get(Index: Integer) : string;  Override;
    function GetCapacity : Integer;  Override;
    function GetCount : Integer;  Override;
    function GetObject(Index: Integer) : TObject;  Override;
    procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);  Override;
    procedure PutObject(Index: Integer; AObject: TObject);  Override;
    procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);  Override;
    procedure SetUpdateState(Updating: Boolean);  Override;
    procedure InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string);  Virtual;
    procedure InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string; O: TObject)
                        ;  Virtual;
    function DoCompareText(const s1: string; const s2: string) : PtrInt
                          ;  Override;
    destructor Destroy;  Override;
    function Add(const S: string) : Integer;  Override;
    procedure Clear;  Override;
    procedure Delete(Index: Integer);  Override;
    procedure Exchange(Index1: Integer; Index2: Integer);  Override;
    function Find(const S: string; out Index: Integer) : Boolean;  Virtual;
    function IndexOf(const S: string) : Integer;  Override;
    procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);  Override;
    procedure Sort;  Virtual;
    procedure Sort(SortingAlgorithm: PSortingAlgorithm);  Virtual;
    procedure CustomSort(CompareFn: TStringListSortCompare);  Virtual;
    procedure CustomSort(CompareFn: TStringListSortCompare; 
                        SortingAlgorithm: PSortingAlgorithm);  Virtual;
    Duplicates : TDuplicates;
    Sorted : Boolean;
    CaseSensitive : Boolean;
    OnChange : TNotifyEvent;
    OnChanging : TNotifyEvent;
    OwnsObjects : Boolean;
    SortStyle : TStringsSortStyle;


TStringList is a descendant class of TStrings that implements all of the abstract methods introduced there. It also introduces some additional methods:

Sort the list, or keep the list sorted at all times Special handling of duplicates in sorted lists Notification of changes in the list


Member Type Visibility Description
Add Method public Implements the TStrings.Add function.
CaseSensitive Property public Indicates whether comparing strings happens in a case sensitive manner.
Changed Method protected Called when the list of strings was modified.
Changing Method protected Called when the list is changing.
CheckIndex Method protected
Clear Method public Implements the TStrings.Clear function.
CustomSort Method public Sort the stringlist using a custom sort algorithm
Delete Method public Implements the TStrings.Delete function.
Destroy Method public Destroys the stringlist.
DoCompareText Method protected
Duplicates Property public Describes the behaviour of a sorted list with respect to duplicate strings.
Exchange Method public Implements the TStrings.Exchange function.
ExchangeItems Method protected
ExchangeItemsInt Method private
FCapacity Field private
FCaseSensitive Field private
FCount Field private
FDuplicates Field private
FForceSort Field private
Find Method public Locates the index for a given string in sorted lists.
FList Field private
FOnChange Field private
FOnChanging Field private
FOwnsObjects Field private
FSortStyle Field private
Get Method protected Overrides the standard read handler for the TStrings.Strings property.
GetCapacity Method protected Overrides the standard read handler for the TStrings.Capacity property.
GetCount Method protected Overrides the standard read handler for the TStrings.Count property.
GetObject Method protected Overrides the standard read handler for the TStrings.Objects property.
GetSorted Method private
Grow Method private
IndexOf Method public Overrides the TStrings.IndexOf property.
Insert Method public Overrides the TStrings.Insert method.
InsertItem Method protected
InternalClear Method private
OnChange Property public Event triggered after the list was modified.
OnChanging Property public Event triggered when the list is about to be modified.
OwnsObjects Property public Determines whether the stringlist owns it's objects or not.
Put Method protected Overrides the standard write handler for the TStrings.Strings property.
PutObject Method protected Overrides the standard write handler for the TStrings.Objects property.
SetCapacity Method protected Overrides the standard write handler for the TStrings.Capacity property.
SetCaseSensitive Method private
SetSorted Method private
SetSortStyle Method private
SetUpdateState Method protected Overrides the standard TStrings.SetUpdateState]() call.
Sort Method public Sorts the strings in the list.
Sorted Property public Determines whether the list is sorted or not.
SortStyle Property public Sort style for strings


Class Description
TStringList Standard implementation of the TStrings class.

See also

Name Description
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
TDuplicates Type to describe what to do with duplicate values in a TStringlist .
TDuplicates Type to describe what to do with duplicate values in a TStringlist .
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TNotifyEvent Standard event handler type.
TStringList.Duplicates Describes the behaviour of a sorted list with respect to duplicate strings.
TStringList.Sorted Determines whether the list is sorted or not.
TStrings Class to manage arrays or collections of strings
TStringsSortStyle Determines how the strings are sorted
TStringsSortStyle Determines how the strings are sorted

results matching ""

    No results matching ""