Reference for unit 'BaseUnix': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
CreateShellArgV Create a null-terminated array of strings from a command-line string
FpAccess Check file access
FpAlarm Schedule an alarm signal to be delivered
FpChdir Change current working directory.
FpChmod Change file permission bits
FpChown Change owner of file
FpClose Close file descriptor
FpClosedir Close directory file descriptor
FpDup Duplicate a file handle
FpDup2 Duplicate one file handle to another
FpExecv Execute process
FpExecve Execute process using environment
FpExit Exit the current process
FpFcntl File control operations.
fpfdfillset Set all file descriptors in the set.
fpFD_CLR Clears a file descriptor in a set
fpFD_ISSET Check whether a file descriptor is set
fpFD_SET Set a file descriptor in a set
fpFD_ZERO Clear all file descriptors in set
FpFork Create child process
FPFStat Retrieve file information about a file descriptor.
FpFtruncate Truncate file on certain size.
FpGetcwd Retrieve the current working directory.
FpGetegid Return effective group ID
FpGetEnv Return value of environment variable.
fpgeterrno Retrieve extended error information.
FpGeteuid Return effective user ID
FpGetgid Return real group ID
FpGetgroups Get the list of supplementary groups.
FpGetpgrp Get process group ID
FpGetpid Return current process ID
FpGetppid Return parent process ID
fpGetPriority Return process priority
FpGetRLimit Get process resource limits
FpGetsid Get current session ID
FpGetuid Return current user ID
FpIOCtl General kernel IOCTL call.
FpKill Send a signal to a process
FpLink Create a hard link to a file
FpLseek Set file pointer position.
fpLstat Return information about symbolic link. Do not follow the link
FpMkdir Create a new directory
FpMkfifo Create FIFO (named pipe) in file system
Fpmmap Create memory map of a file
Fpmunmap Unmap previously mapped memory block
FpNanoSleep Suspend process for a short time
fpNice Set process priority
FpOpen Open file and return file descriptor
FpOpendir Open a directory for reading
FpPause Wait for a signal to arrive
FpPipe Create a set of pipe file handlers
FpPoll Poll a file descriptor for events.
FpPRead Positional read: read from file descriptor at a certain position.
FpPWrite Positional write: write to file descriptor at a certain position.
FpRead Read data from file descriptor
FpReaddir Read entry from directory
fpReadLink Read destination of symbolic link
FpReadV Vector read: Read into multiple buffers
FpRename Rename file
FpRmdir Remove a directory.
fpSelect Wait for events on file descriptors
fpseterrno Set extended error information.
FpSetgid Set the current group ID
fpSetPriority Set process priority
FpSetRLimit Set process resource limits
FpSetsid Create a new session.
fpsettimeofday Set kernel time
FpSetuid Set the current user ID
FPSigaction Install signal handler
FpSigAddSet Set a signal in a signal set.
FpSigDelSet Remove a signal from a signal set.
FpsigEmptySet Clear all signals from signal set.
FpSigFillSet Set all signals in signal set.
FpSigIsMember Check whether a signal appears in a signal set.
FpSignal Install signal handler (deprecated)
FpSigPending Return set of currently pending signals
FpSigProcMask Set list of blocked signals
FpSigSuspend Set signal mask and suspend process till signal is received
FpSigTimedWait Wait for signal, with timeout
FpSleep Suspend process for several seconds
FpStat Retrieve file information about a file descriptor.
fpSymlink Create a symbolic link
fpS_ISBLK Is file a block device
fpS_ISCHR Is file a character device
fpS_ISDIR Is file a directory
fpS_ISFIFO Is file a FIFO
fpS_ISLNK Is file a symbolic link
fpS_ISREG Is file a regular file
fpS_ISSOCK Is file a Unix socket
fptime Return the current Unix time
FpTimes Return execution times for the current process
FpUmask Set file creation mask.
FpUname Return system name.
FpUnlink Unlink (i.e. remove) a file.
FpUtime Set access and modification times of a file (touch).
FpWait Wait for a child to exit.
FpWaitPid Wait for a process to terminate
FpWrite Write data to file descriptor
FpWriteV Vector write: Write from multiple buffers to a file descriptor
FreeShellArgV Free the result of a CreateShellArgV function
wexitStatus Extract the exit status from the fpWaitPID result.
wifexited Check whether the process exited normally
wifsignaled Check whether the process was exited by a signal.
wstopsig Return the exit code from the process.
wtermsig Return the signal that caused a process to exit.

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