
Send a signal to a process


Source position: bunxh.inc line 69

  function FpKill(pid: TPid; sig: cint) : cint;


fpKill sends a signal Sig to a process or process group. If Pid>0 then the signal is sent to Pid, if it equals -1, then the signal is sent to all processes except process 1. If Pid<-1 then the signal is sent to process group -Pid.

The return value is zero, except in case three, where the return value is the number of processes to which the signal was sent.


Extended error information can be retrieved using fpGetErrno :

An invalid signal is sent.
The Pid or process group don't exist.
The effective userid of the current process doesn't math the one of process Pid.

See also

Name Description
FpSigAction Install signal handler
FpSignal Install signal handler (deprecated)

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