Reference for unit 'Classes': Classes

Class Description
EBitsError Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TBits .
EClassNotFound Exception raised when an unknown class is referenced in a streamed component.
EComponentError Exception raised when an error occurs in the component registration routines.
EFCreateError Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream stream.
EFilerError Exception raised by the component streaming system if an error occurs.
EFOpenError Exception raised when an error occurred during creation of a TFileStream
EInvalidImage Exception raised when the resource header needed for streaming of a component is invalid.
EInvalidOperation Exception raised when an invalid operation is performed. Obsolete.
EListError Exception raised when an error occurs in lists handling.
EMethodNotFound This exception is no longer used.
EObserver Error raised when an observer error occurs
EOutOfResources Exception raised when the system is out of resources.
EParserError Exception raised when an error occurs during the parsing of streams.
EReadError Exception raised if an error occurs while reading from a stream.
EResNotFound Exception raised when a resource, needed to initialize a component, is not found.
EStreamError Exception raised when an error occurs during read or write operations on a stream.
EStringListError Exception raised when an error occurs in a method of TStrings .
EThread Thread error exception.
EThreadDestroyCalled Exception raised when a thread is destroyed illegally.
EThreadExternalException Exception raised when an invalid operation is attempted on an external thread
EWriteError Exception raised when an error occurs during writing to a stream.
IDesignerNotify Designer notification interface
IFPObserved Interface implemented by an object that can be observed.
IFPObserver Interface for an object to observe other objects.
IInterfaceComponentReference Interface for checking component references
IInterfaceList Interface for maintaining a list of interfaces.
IStreamPersist Persistence streaming interface.
IStringsAdapter IStringsAdapter Interface declaration.
IVCLComObject Com automation Object interface
TAbstractObjectReader Abstract driver class to read stored component data.
TAbstractObjectWriter Abstract driver class for writing component data.
TBasicAction Abstract base class for all Actions.
TBasicActionLink Link between actions and action clients (e.g. controls)
TBinaryObjectReader Driver class descendant which reads component data stored in binary format.
TBinaryObjectWriter Driver class which stores component data in binary form.
TBits Class to store collections of bits (binary values that can be 0 or 1)
TBytesStream Stream of bytes
TCollection Base class to manage collections of named objects.
TCollectionEnumerator Implements IEnumerator for the TCollection class.
TCollectionItem Basic object that is managed by a TCollection class.
TComponent Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
TComponentEnumerator Implements IEnumerator for the TComponent class.
TCustomMemoryStream Abstract stream that stores its data in memory.
TDataModule Container for non-visual components.
TFiler Class responsible for streaming of components.
TFileStream Stream that stores its data in a named file on disk.
TFPList Class to manage collections of pointers.
TFPListEnumerator Implements IEnumerator for the TFPList class.
THandleStream Base class for streams that are identified by an OS handle.
TInterfacedPersistent TPersistent descendant which implements the IInterface interface
TInterfaceList Standard implementation of the IInterfaceList interface.
TInterfaceListEnumerator Implements IEnumerator for the TInterfaceList class.
TList Class to manage collections of pointers.
TListEnumerator Implements IEnumerator for the TList class.
TMemoryStream Standard implementation of a stream that stores its data in memory
TOwnedCollection TCollection descendant which maintains owner information.
TOwnerStream Stream which uses a second stream as a source
TParser Class to parse the contents of a stream containing text data.
TPersistent Base class for streaming system and persistent properties.
TProxyStream Proxy stream for the IStream interface
TReader Generic reader object which reads component data from any given source.
TRecall Helper class for storing published properties
TResourceStream Stream that reads its data from a resource object.
TStream Base class for streams.
TStreamAdapter Implements IStream for TStream descendants
TStringList Standard implementation of the TStrings class.
TStrings Class to manage arrays or collections of strings
TStringsEnumerator Implements IEnumerator for the TStrings class.
TStringStream Stream that stores its data in a string.
TTextObjectWriter Driver class which stores component data in text format.
TThread Abstract Thread class.
TThreadList Thread-safe list object
TWriter Object to write component data to an arbitrary format.

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