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Class to store collections of bits (binary values that can be 0 or 1)


Source position: classesh.inc line 384

  TBits = class (TObject)
    FBits : ^TBitArray;
    FSize : LongInt;
    FBSize : LongInt;
    findIndex : LongInt;
    findState : Boolean;
    procedure SetBit(bit: LongInt; value: Boolean);
    procedure SetSize(value: LongInt);
    procedure CheckBitIndex(Bit: LongInt; CurrentSize: Boolean);
    constructor Create(TheSize: LongInt);  Virtual;
    destructor Destroy;  Override;
    function GetFSize : LongInt;
    procedure SetOn(Bit: LongInt);
    procedure Clear(Bit: LongInt);
    procedure Clearall;
    procedure CopyBits(BitSet: TBits);
    procedure AndBits(BitSet: TBits);
    procedure OrBits(BitSet: TBits);
    procedure XorBits(BitSet: TBits);
    procedure NotBits(BitSet: TBits);
    function Get(Bit: LongInt) : Boolean;
    procedure Grow(NBit: LongInt);
    function Equals(Obj: TObject) : Boolean;  Override;  Overload;
    function Equals(BitSet: TBits) : Boolean;  Overload;
    procedure SetIndex(Index: LongInt);
    function FindFirstBit(State: Boolean) : LongInt;
    function FindNextBit : LongInt;
    function FindPrevBit : LongInt;
    function OpenBit : LongInt;
    Bits[Bit: LongInt]: Boolean; default;
    Size : LongInt;


TBits can be used to store collections of bits in an indexed array. This is especially useful for storing collections of booleans: Normally the size of a boolean is the size of the smallest enumerated type, i.e. 1 byte. Since a bit can take 2 values it can be used to store a boolean as well. Since TBits can store 8 bits in a byte, it takes 8 times less space to store an array of booleans in a TBits class then it would take to store them in a conventional array.

TBits introduces methods to store and retrieve bit values, apply masks, and search for bits.


Member Type Visibility Description
AndBits Method public Performs an and operation on the bits.
Bits Property public Access to all bits in the array.
CheckBitIndex Method protected
Clear Method public Clears a particular bit.
Clearall Method public Clears all bits in the array.
CopyBits Method public Copy bits from one bits set to another
Create Method public Creates a new bits collection.
Destroy Method public Destroys a bit collection
Equals Method public Determines whether the bits of 2 arrays are equal.
FBits Field private
FBSize Field private
FindFirstBit Method public Find first bit with a particular value
findIndex Field private
FindNextBit Method public Searches the next bit with a particular value.
FindPrevBit Method public Searches the previous bit with a particular value.
findState Field private
FSize Field private
Get Method public Retrieve the value of a particular bit
GetFSize Method public Returns the number of records used to store the bits.
Grow Method public Expands the bits array to the requested size.
NotBits Method public Performs a not operation on the bits.
OpenBit Method public Returns the position of the first bit that is set to False.
OrBits Method public Performs an or operation on the bits.
SetBit Method private
SetIndex Method public Sets the start position for FindNextBit and FindPrevBit
SetOn Method public Turn a particular bit on.
SetSize Method private
Size Property public Current size of the array of bits.
XorBits Method public Performs a xor operation on the bits.


Class Description
TBits Class to store collections of bits (binary values that can be 0 or 1)

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