Reference for unit 'sysutils': Variables

Variable Description
CurrencyDecimals Number of decimals in currency amounts.
CurrencyFormat Format string for currencies.
CurrencyString Name of currency.
DateSeparator Date separator character (subject to locale).
DecimalSeparator Decimal point separator.
DefaultFormatSettings Storage for default settings
FalseBoolStrs False Strings used in StrToBool conversion
FormatSettings Alias for DefaultFormatSettings
ListSeparator Separator character for lists
LongDateFormat Long date format string (subject to locale).
LongDayNames Full names of days.
LongMonthNames Full names of months.
LongTimeFormat Long time format string (subject to locale)
NegCurrFormat Format string for negative currencies.
OnBeep Event called by Beep to actually implement beep
OnCreateGUID Callback to create GUID values
OnGetApplicationName Callback to get a customized application name.
OnGetTempDir Handler for GetTempDir function.
OnGetTempFile Handler for GetTempFileName function.
OnGetVendorName Vendor name callback
OnShowException Callback to show unhandled exceptions.
ShortDateFormat Short Date Format string (subject to locale).
ShortDayNames Names of days, abbreviated form.
ShortMonthNames Names of months, abbreviated form.
ShortTimeFormat Short time format string (subject to locale).
SysLocale Variable with locale information
ThousandSeparator Thousand grouping character.
TimeAMString AM indicator string.
TimePMString PM indicator string.
TimeSeparator Time separator character.
TrueBoolStrs True Strings used in StrToBool conversion
TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow Window to determine what century 2 digit years are in.

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