Reference for unit 'Variants': Classes

Class Description
EVariantArrayCreateError Error raised when a problem is detected during creation of an array
EVariantArrayLockedError Error raised when an operation on a locked array is performed
EVariantBadIndexError Error raised when an invalid array index is detected
EVariantBadVarTypeError >Error raised when an invalid variant type is detected
EVariantDispatchError Exception raised in case of variant dispatching errors
EVariantInvalidArgError Error raised when an invalid argument is detected
EVariantInvalidNullOpError Variant invalid null operation error
EVariantInvalidOpError Error raised when an invalid operation is performed
EVariantNotAnArrayError Error raised when an array operation is performed on a non-array variant
EVariantNotImplError Error raised when a variant operation not implemented
EVariantOutOfMemoryError Error to signal an out-of-memory condition
EVariantOverflowError Error raised when an overflow error is detected
EVariantParamNotFoundError Error raised when a parameter is not found
EVariantRangeCheckError Exception class to signal range checks
EVariantTypeCastError Error raised when an invalid typecast is performed
EVariantUnexpectedError Exception raised during unexpected error
IVarInstanceReference Interface for variants that refer to an object
IVarInvokeable Interface needed for custom variants that need to implement dynamic properties and methods
TCustomVariantType Base class for a custom variant type
TInvokeableVariantType TCustomVariantType descendent that implements DispInvoke
TPublishableVariantType TInvokeableVariantType descendent that implements reading published properties

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