Reference for unit 'Math'

Additional mathematical routines.

Uses unit Description
System The system unit


This document describes the math unit. The math unit was initially written by Florian Klaempfl. It provides mathematical functions which aren't covered by the system unit.

This chapter starts out with a definition of all types and constants that are defined, after which an overview is presented of the available functions, grouped by category, and the last part contains a complete explanation of each function.

The following things must be taken into account when using this unit:

This unit is compiled in Object Pascal mode so all integers are 32 bit. Some overloaded functions exist for data arrays of integers and floats. When using the address operator (@) to pass an array of data to such a function, make sure the address is typecasted to the right type, or turn on the 'typed address operator' feature. failing to do so, will cause the compiler not be able to decide which function you want to call.

Topic Description
CashFlowFunctions Cash flow functions
GeometricalRoutines Geometrical functions
StatisticalRoutines Statistical functions
NumberConversionRoutines Number converting
ExpLogRoutines Exponential and logarithmic functions
HyperbolicRoutines Hyperbolic functions
TrigoniometricRoutines Trigonometric functions
AngleConversionRoutines Angle unit conversion
MinMaxRoutines Min/max determination

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