Reference for unit 'Graph': Constants

Constant Description
AndPut Draw operation: use AND
AnsiToASCIITransTable Default ansi transliteration table.
BkSlashFill Fill style: Diagonal (backslash) lines
black Color code: black.
blue Color code: blue
BoldFont Font number: Bold font.
BottomText Vertical text alignment: Align text to bottom
brown Color code: brown
CenterLn Line style: centered line
CenterText Horizontal text alignment: Center text
CGA Graphic driver for CGA cards
CGAC0 CGA Graphic driver mode C0
CGAC1 CGA Graphic driver mode C1
CGAC2 CGA Graphic driver mode C2
CGAC3 CGA Graphic driver mode C3
CGAHi CGA Graphic driver Hi-res mode
ClipOff Viewport clipping off
ClipOn Viewport clipping on
CloseDotFill Fill style: Closely spaced dotted lines
CopyPut Draw operation: use Copy
CurrentDriver Currently used driver
cyan Color code: Cyan
D12bit Mode: Depth 12 bit
D15bit Mode: Depth 15 bit
D16bit Mode: Depth 16 bit
D1bit Mode: Depth 1 bit
D24bit Mode: Depth 24 bit
D2bit Mode: Depth 2 bit
D32bit Mode: Depth 32 bit
D4bit Mode: Depth 4 bit
D64bit Mode: Depth 64 bit
D6bit Mode: Depth 6 bit
D8bit Mode: Depth 8 bit
darkgray Color code: Dark gray
DashedLn Line style: dashed line
Default Default mode
DefaultFont Font number: Normal font
Detect Mode: Detect mode.
detectMode Mode: Autodetect optimal mode
DottedLn Line style: Dotted line
DrawTextBackground Should the background of texts be drawn or should it be left untouched ?
EGA Graphic driver for EGA cards
EGA64 Graphic driver for EGA 64 cards
EGA64Hi EGA64 graphic driver high resolution mode
EGA64Lo EGA64 graphic driver low resolution mode
EGABlack Color code: EGA Black
EGABlue Color code: EGA blue
EGABrown Color code: EGA brown
EGACyan Color code: EGA cyan
EGADarkgray Color code: EGA dark gray
EGAGreen Color code: EGA green
EGAHi EGA graphic driver high resolution mode
EGALightblue Color code: EGA Light blue
EGALightcyan Color code: EGA Light cyan
EGALightgray Color code: EGA Light gray
EGALightgreen Color code: EGA Light green
EGALightmagenta Color code: EGA light magenta
EGALightred Color code: EGA light red
EGALo EGA graphic driver low resolution mode
EGAMagenta Color code: EGA magenta
EGAMono Graphic driver for EGA monochrome cards
EGAMonoHi EGAMono graphic driver high resolution mode
EGARed Color code: EGA red
EGAWhite Color code: EGA white
EGAYellow Color code: EGA yellow
EmptyFill Fill style: Do not fill
EuroFont Font number: ?
fillpatternTable Table with standard fill patterns
G1024x768x16 Mode: Resolution 1024x768, 16 colors
G1024x768x16M Mode: Resolution 1024x768, 16M colors
G1024x768x16M32 Mode: Resolution 1024x758, 16M 32-bit colors
G1024x768x256 Mode: Resolution 1024x768, 256 colors
G1024x768x32K Mode: Resolution 1024x768, 32K colors
G1024x768x64K Mode: Resolution 1024x768, 64K colors
G1152x864x16 Mode: Resolution 1152x864, 16 colors
G1152x864x16M Mode: Resolution 1152x864, 16M colors
G1152x864x16M32 Mode: Resolution 1152x864, 16M 32-bitcolors
G1152x864x256 Mode: Resolution 1152x864, 256 colors
G1152x864x32K Mode: Resolution 1152x864, 32K colors
G1152x864x64K Mode: Resolution 1152x864, 64K colors
G1280x1024x16 Mode: Resolution 1280x1024, 16 colors
G1280x1024x16M Mode: Resolution 1280x1024, 16M colors
G1280x1024x16M32 Mode: Resolution 1280x1024, 16M 32-bit colors
G1280x1024x256 Mode: Resolution 1280x1024, 256 colors
G1280x1024x32K Mode: Resolution 1280x1024, 32K colors
G1280x1024x64K Mode: Resolution 1280x1024, 64K colors
G1600x1200x16 Mode: Resolution 1600x1200, 16 colors
G1600x1200x16M Mode: Resolution 1600x1200, 16M colors
G1600x1200x16M32 Mode: Resolution 1600x1200, 16M 32-bit colors
G1600x1200x256 Mode: Resolution 1600x1200, 256 colors
G1600x1200x32K Mode: Resolution 1600x1200, 32K colors
G1600x1200x64K Mode: Resolution 1600x1200, 64K colors
G320x200x16 Mode: Resulution 320x200, 16 colors
G320x200x16M Mode: Resolution 320x200, 16M colors
G320x200x16M32 Mode: Resolution 320x200, 16M 32-bit colors
G320x200x256 Mode: Resolution 320x200, 256 colors
G320x200x32K Mode: Resolution 320x200, 32K colors
G320x200x64K Mode: Resolution 320x200, 64K colors
G320x240x256 Mode: Resolution 320x240, 256 colors
G320x400x256 Mode: Resolution 320x400, 256 colors
G360x480x256 Mode: Resolution 360x480, 256 colors
G640x200x16 Mode: Resolution x, colors
G640x350x16 Mode: Resolution x, colors
G640x480x16 Mode: Resolution x, colors
G640x480x16M Mode: Resolution 640x480, 16M colors
G640x480x16M32 Mode: Resolution 640x480, 16M 32-bit colors
G640x480x2 Mode: Resolution 640x480, 2 colors
G640x480x256 Mode: Resolution 640x480, 256 colors
G640x480x32K Mode: Resolution 640x480, 32K colors
G640x480x64K Mode: Resolution 640x480, 64K colors
G720x348x2 Mode: Resolution 720x348, 2 colors
G800x600x16 Mode: Resolution 800x600, 16 colors
G800x600x16M Mode: Resolution 800x600, 16M colors
G800x600x16M32 Mode: Resolution 800x600, 16M 32-bit colors
G800x600x256 Mode: Resolution 800x600, 256 colors
G800x600x32K Mode: Resolution 800x600, 32K colors
G800x600x64K Mode: Resolution 800x600, 64K colors
GothicFont Font number: Gothic font
GraphStringTransTable Table used when transliterating strings.
green Color code: green
grError Error: Unknown error.
grFileNotFound Error: File for driver not found.
grFontNotFound Error: font description file not found.
grInvalidDriver Error: Invalid driver specified
grInvalidFont Error: Invalid font description
grInvalidFontNum Error: Invalid font number
grInvalidMode Error: Invalid mode specified.
grInvalidVersion Error: Invalid version.
grIOerror Error: Unspecified Input/Output error.
grNoFloodMem Error: Could not allocate memory for flood operation.
grNoFontMem Error: Not enough memory to load font.
grNoInitGraph Error: Graphical system not initialized
grNoLoadMem Error: Memory error.
grNoScanMem Error: Could not allocate memory for scan
grNotDetected Error: Graphics device not detected.
grOk Graphical operation went OK.
HatchFill Fill style: Hatch lines
HercMono Mode: Hercules, mono color
HercMonoHi Mode: Hercules card, monochrome, high resolution
highNewDriver Mode: highest number for new driver
highNewMode Mode: Highest possible value of the new modes.
HorizDir Text write direction: Horizontal
InterleaveFill Fill style: Interleaving lines
LCOMFont Font number: ?
LeftText Horizontal text alignment: Align text left
lightblue Color code: Light blue
lightcyan Color code: Light cyan
lightgray Color code: Light gray
lightgreen Color code: Light green
lightmagenta Color code: Light magenta
lightred Color code: Light red
LineFill Fill style: Fill using horizontal lines
lowNewDriver Mode: lowest number for new driver
lowNewMode Mode: Lowest possible value of the new modes.
LowRes Mode: Low resolution.
LtBkSlashFill Fill style: Light diagonal (backslash) lines
LtSlashFill Fill style: Light diagonal (slash) lines
m1024x768 Mode: Resolution 1024x768
m1280x1024 Mode: Resolution 1280x1024
m1600x1200 Mode: Resolution 1600x1200
m2048x1536 Mode: Resolution 2048x1536
m320x200 Mode: Resolution 320x200
m320x256 Mode: Resolution 320x256
m320x400 Mode: Resolution 320x400
m512x384 Mode: Resolution 512x384
m640x200 Mode: Resolution 640x200
m640x256 Mode: Resolution 640x256
m640x350 Mode: Resolution 640x350
m640x400 Mode: Resolution 640x400
m640x480 Mode: Resolution 640x480
m800x600 Mode: Resolution 800x600
m832x624 Mode: Resolution 832x624
magenta Color code: Magenta
MaxColors Max amount of colors in a palette
maxsmallint Maximum value for smallint type
MCGA Graphic driver for MCGA cards
MCGAC0 MCGA Graphic driver mode C0
MCGAC1 MCGA Graphic driver mode C1
MCGAC2 MCGA Graphic driver mode C2
MCGAC3 MCGA Graphic driver mode C3
MCGAHi MCGA Graphic driver high resolution mode
MCGAMed MCGA Graphic driver medium resolution mode
NormalPut Draw operation: Use Normal (copy) operation
NormWidth Line width: Normal width
NotPut Draw operation: use NOT
OrPut Draw operation: use OR
red Color code: Red
resolutions Array with actual resolutions of the new modes
RightText Horizontal text alignment: Align text right
SansSerifFont Font number: Sans Serif font
ScriptFont Font number: Script font
SimpleFont Font number: Simple font
SlashFill Fill style: Diagonal (slash) lines
SmallFont Font number: Small font
SolidFill Fill style: Solid fill.
SolidLn Line style: Solid line
ThickWidth Line width: double width
TopOff Top off
TopOn Top on
TopText Vertical text alignment: Align text to top
TriplexFont Font number: Triplex font
TSCRFont Font number: Terminal font
UserBitLn Line style: User defined
UserCharSize User character size
UserFill Fill style: User-defined fill.
VertDir Text write direction: Vertical
VESA Mode: VESA graphics adaptor.
VGA Mode: VGA graphics adaptor.
VGAHi Mode: VGA high resolution (640x480)
VGALo Mode: VGA low resolution (640x200)
VGAMed Mode: VGA medium resolution (640x350)
white Color code: White
WideDotFill Fill style: Widely spaced dotted lines
XHatchFill Fill style: Heavy hatch lines
XORPut Draw operation: use XOR
yellow Color code: Yellow

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