Reference for unit 'go32'

GO32 - access to the 32-bit DOS extender

Uses unit Description
System The system unit


This document describes the GO32 unit for the Free Pascal compiler under dos. It was donated by Thomas Schatzl (, for which my thanks. This unit was first written for dos by Florian Klaempfl.

Only the GO32V2 DPMI mode is discussed by me here due to the fact that new applications shouldn't be created with the older GO32V1 model. The go32v2 version is much more advanced and better. Additionally a lot of functions only work in DPMI mode anyway. I hope the following explanations and introductions aren't too confusing at all. If you notice an error or bug send it to the FPC mailing list or directly to me. So let's get started and happy and error free coding I wish you.... Thomas Schatzl, 25. August 1998

Topic Description
RealModeCallBacks Real mode callbacks
ExecutingInterrupts Executing software interrupts
SoftwareInterrupts Software interrupts
HardwareInterrupts Hardware interrupts
DisablingInterrupts Disabling interrupts
CreatingInterruptHandlers Creating your own interrupt handlers
DPMIvsProtectedInterrupts Protected mode interrupts vs. Real mode interrupts
DPMIInterrupts Handling interrupts with DPMI
InterruptHandling Interrupt redirection
ProcessorAccess Processor access
IOPorts I/O port access
DosMemory dos memory access
FPCspecs FPC specialities
SelectorsDescriptors Selectors and descriptors

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