
Unlink (i.e. remove) a file.


Source position: bunxh.inc line 77

  function FpUnlink(path: pChar) : cint;
  function FpUnlink(const path: RawByteString) : cint;


FpUnlink decreases the link count on file Path. Path can be of type AnsiString or PChar. If the link count is zero, the file is removed from the disk.

The function returns zero if the call was successful, a nonzero value indicates failure.

Note: There exist a portable alternative to erase files: system.erase. Please use fpUnlink only if you are writing Unix specific code. System.erase will work on all operating systems.

For an example, see FpLink .


Extended error information can be retrieved using fpGetErrno .

You have no write access right in the directory containing Path, or you have no search permission in one of the directory components of Path.
The directory containing pathname has the sticky-bit set and the process's effective uid is neither the uid of the file to be deleted nor that of the directory containing it.
A component of the path doesn't exist.
A directory component of the path is not a directory.
Path refers to a directory.
Insufficient kernel memory.
Path is on a read-only file system.

See also

Name Description
FpLink Create a hard link to a file
FpSymLink Create a symbolic link

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