
Insert a string in the list.


Source position: classesh.inc line 740

  procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);  Virtual;  Abstract;


Insert inserts the string S at position Index in the list. Index is a zero-based position, and can have values from 0 to Count. If Index equals Count then the string is appended to the list.


All methods that add strings to the list use Insert to add a string to the list. If the string has an associated object, use TStrings.InsertObject instead. !!!


If Index is less than zero or larger than Count then an EStringListError exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
TStrings.Add Add a string to the list
TStrings.Append Add a string to the list.
TStrings.Delete Delete a string from the list.
TStrings.InsertObject Insert a string and associated object in the list.

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