
Signature of thread status report callback


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TThreadStatusNotifyCallBack = procedure(Sender: TThread; 
                                        AData: Pointer; 
                                        const status: string)


TThreadStatusNotifyCallBack is the signature of the callback to be provided when executing a static procedure in a thread using TThread.ExecuteInThread when status reporting is required.

This callback will be called in the main thread. When called, it has the thread whose status is reported in Sender, AData is the AData parameter passed to TThread.ExecuteInThread . Finally, the status message in ReportStatus is passed to the callback.

Note that the thread reporting its status is blocked while the callback is being handled: The status is be reported to the main thread using TThread.synchronize .

See also

Name Description
TThread.ExecuteInThread Execute a method or static procedure in a thread
TThreadExecuteStatusHandler Signature of method to execute in a thread, with status reporting
TThreadReportStatus Thread status report callback prototype

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