
Check whether 2 strings are the same, ignoring case


Source position: sysunih.inc line 29

  function UnicodeSameText(const s1: UnicodeString; 
                          const s2: UnicodeString) : Boolean;


UnicodeSameText checks whether the Unicode strings S1 and S2 are equal, ignoring case. The function returns True if the strings are equal, False if they are not. This function relies on a widestring manager to perform the actual comparison, as it will take into account various equivalent code points: it is not a simple byte-by-byte comparison.

See also

Name Description
CompareStr Compare 2 ansistrings case-sensitively, ignoring special characters.
CompareText Compare 2 ansistrings case insensitive.
SameText Checks whether 2 strings are the same (case insensitive)
UnicodeCompareText Compare 2 strings case insensitively
UnicodeSameStr Check whether 2 strings are equal

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