
Replace occurrences of one substring with another in a string.


Source position: line 248

  function StringReplace(const S: string; const OldPattern: string; 
                        const NewPattern: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags; 
                        out aCount: Integer) : string;
  function StringReplace(const S: string; const OldPattern: string; 
                        const NewPattern: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags)
                         : string;


StringReplace searches the string S for occurrences of the string OldPattern and, if it is found, replaces it with NewPattern. It returns the resulting string. The behaviour of StringReplace can be tuned with Flags, which is of type TReplaceFlags . Standard behaviour is to replace only the first occurrence of OldPattern, and to search case sensitively.



See also

Name Description
TReplaceFlags Flags for StringReplace function
WideStringReplace Replace occurrences of one substring with another in a widestring.

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