
Check if a variant type can be used in an array


Source position: variants.pp line 142

  function VarTypeIsValidElementType(const aVarType: tvartype) : Boolean;


VarTypeIsValidElementType checks if the variant type aVarType can be used as the type of a variant array, similar to VarTypeIsValidArrayType . It returns True if it is usable, False otherwise. Currently, the following types are valid: SmallInt, Integer, Single, Double, Date, Currency, OleStr, Dispatch, Error, Boolean, Variant, Unknown (interface IUnknown), ShortInt, Byte, Word, LongWord int64. In addition, if the variant type is an known custom variant type, True is also returned.

Reference and array indicators are stripped before the test.

See also

Name Description
VarIsArray Check whether a variant is an array
VarTypeIsValidArrayType Check if a variant type can be used in an array

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