
Variable describing what to do when checking for order of Null values


Source position: variants.pp line 277

  NullMagnitudeRule : TNullCompareRule = ncrLoose;


NullEqualityRule is checked when the system needs to determine the ordering of variants with Null values (operations like opCmpGe, opCmpLe). Check TNullCompareRule for a list of allowed values. The default is ncrLoose.

For determining equality (opCmpEq, opCmpNe) of Null values, see NullEqualityRule .

See also

Name Description
NullEqualityRule Variable describing what to do when checking for equality of Null values
TNullCompareRule Enumeration describing how to handle Null values when comparing variants.
TNullCompareRule Enumeration describing how to handle Null values when comparing variants.

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