
Convert string description to a set.


Source position: typinfo.pp line 998

  function StringToSet(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: string) : LongInt;
  function StringToSet(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Value: string) : LongInt;
  procedure StringToSet(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: string; 
                       Result: Pointer);
  procedure StringToSet(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Value: string; 
                       Result: Pointer);


StringToSet converts the string representation of a set in Value to a integer representation of the set, using the property information found in PropInfo. This property information should point to the property information of a set property. The function returns the integer representation of the set. (i.e, the set value, typecast to an integer)

The string representation can be surrounded with square brackets, and must consist of the names of the elements of the base type of the set. The base type of the set should be an enumerated type. The elements should be separated by commas, and may be surrounded by spaces. each of the names will be fed to the GetEnumValue function.

For an example, see SetToString .


No checking is done to see whether PropInfo points to valid property information. If a wrong name is given for an enumerated value, then an EPropertyError will be raised.

See also

Name Description
GetEnumName Return name of enumeration constant.
GetEnumValue Get ordinal value for enumerated type by name
SetToString Convert set to a string description

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