
Find the position (index) of any string or character in a list.


Source position: syshelph.inc line 118

  function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: Array of Char) : SizeInt;  Overload;
  function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: Array of Char; StartIndex: SizeInt)
                      : SizeInt;  Overload;
  function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: Array of Char; StartIndex: SizeInt; 
                     ACount: SizeInt) : SizeInt;  Overload;
  function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: Array of string) : SizeInt;  Overload;
  function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: Array of string; StartIndex: SizeInt)
                      : SizeInt;  Overload;
  function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: Array of string; StartIndex: SizeInt; 
                     ACount: SizeInt) : SizeInt;  Overload;
  function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: Array of string; StartIndex: SizeInt; 
                     ACount: SizeInt; out AMatch: SizeInt) : SizeInt
                     ;  Overload;


IndexOfAny returns the zero-based index of the first matching element in an array of characters or strings (AnyOf).

if no match is found, -1 is returned.

The search can be refined by specifying a (zero-based) index StartIndex. When specified, the search will start at the given character. Not specifying this option is equivalent to specifying zero.

If ACount is given, at most ACount characters in the source string will be considered for the search. This count includes the starting character. Not specifying this argument is equivalent to specifying the amount of remaining characters.

If AMatch is specified, on successful return it will contain the index of the element in the array that contains the found match.

See also

Name Description
Pos Search for substring in a string.
TStringHelper.IndexOf Find the position (index) of a string or character
TStringHelper.IndexOfAnyUnquoted Find the position (index) of any string or character in a list.
TStringHelper.IndexOfUnquoted Index of string, skipping quoted parts.
TStringHelper.LastIndexOf Find the last position (index) of a string or character
TStringHelper.LastIndexOfAny Find the last position (index) of any string or character in a list.

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