
Record with all the strings that determine formatting


Source position: line 33

TFormatSettings = record
  CurrencyFormat : Byte;
  NegCurrFormat : Byte;
  ThousandSeparator : Char;
  DecimalSeparator : Char;
  CurrencyDecimals : Byte;
  DateSeparator : Char;
  TimeSeparator : Char;
  ListSeparator : Char;
  CurrencyString : string;
  ShortDateFormat : string;
  LongDateFormat : string;
  TimeAMString : string;
  TimePMString : string;
  ShortTimeFormat : string;
  LongTimeFormat : string;
  ShortMonthNames : TMonthNameArray;
  LongMonthNames : TMonthNameArray;
  ShortDayNames : TWeekNameArray;
  LongDayNames : TWeekNameArray;
  TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow : Word;


TFormatSettings is a record that contains a copy of all variables which determine formatting in the various string formatting routines. It is used to pass local copies of these values to the various formatting routines in a thread-safe way.

See also

Name Description
Byte An unsigned 8-bits integer
Byte An unsigned 8-bits integer
Byte An unsigned 8-bits integer
Char Character type (1 byte)
Char Character type (1 byte)
Char Character type (1 byte)
Char Character type (1 byte)
Char Character type (1 byte)
Format Format a string with given arguments.
FormatDateTime Return a string representation of a TDateTime value with a given format.
FormatFloat Format a float according to a certain mask.
TMonthNameArray Array type for array of month variables
TMonthNameArray Array type for array of month variables
TWeekNameArray Array of 7 Strings for week day names
TWeekNameArray Array of 7 Strings for week day names
Word An unsigned 16-bits integer

results matching ""

    No results matching ""