
Convert a boolean value to string.


Source position: syshelph.inc line 642

  class function ToString(const AValue: Boolean; 
                         UseBoolStrs: TUseBoolStrs) : string;  Overload
                         ;  Static;
  function ToString(UseBoolStrs: TUseBoolStrs) : string;  Overload;


ToString will, in the class method version, convert the AValue boolean to a string representation. In the function method version the boolean value itself (Self) will be converted.

If the UseBoolStrs parameter equals TUseBoolStrs.True, then the string representation will use the boolean strings BoolStrs]() . The default value for UseBoolStrs is TUseBoolStrs.False.

The conversion is done using the BoolTostr function.

See also

Name Description
BoolToStr Convert a boolean value to a string.

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