
Search for the occurrence of a character in a string, starting at a certain position.


Source position: strutils.pp line 117

  function PosEx(const SubStr: string; const S: string; Offset: SizeUInt)
                 : SizeInt;
  function PosEx(const SubStr: string; const S: string) : SizeInt;
  function PosEx(c: Char; const S: string; Offset: SizeUInt) : SizeInt;
  function PosEx(const SubStr: UnicodeString; const S: UnicodeString; 
                Offset: SizeUInt) : SizeInt;
  function PosEx(c: WideChar; const S: UnicodeString; Offset: SizeUInt)
                 : SizeInt;
  function PosEx(const SubStr: UnicodeString; const S: UnicodeString)
                 : SizeInt;


PosEx returns the position of the first occurrence of the character C or the substring SubStr in the string S, starting the search at position Offset (default 1). If C or SubStr does not occur in S after the given Offset, zero is returned. The position Offset is also searched.



See also

Name Description
AnsiContainsStr Checks whether a string contains a given substring
AnsiContainsText Check whether a string contains a certain substring, ignoring case.
NPos Returns the position of the N-th occurrence of a substring in a string.

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