
Deletes and returns all characters in a string till the first space character (not included).


Source position: strutils.pp line 196

  function Copy2SpaceDel(var S: string) : string;


Copy2SpaceDel determines the position of the first space in the string S and returns all characters up to this position. The space character itself is not included in the result string. All returned characters, including the space, are deleted from the string S, after which it is right-trimmed. If there is no space in S, then the whole string S is returned, and S itself is emptied.

This function simply calls Copy2SymbDel with the space (ASCII code 32) as the symbol argument.



See also

Name Description
Copy2Space Returns all characters in a string till the first space character (not included).
Copy2SymbDel Deletes and returns all characters in a string till a given character (not included).

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