
Callback to compare 2 keys


Source position: fgl.pp line 295

public Property
  OnKeyPtrCompare : TFPSListCompareFunc;


OnKeyPtrCompare is used to compare the values of 2 keys. By default it simply compares the byte values of the key memory block. It can be set to any function that performs another comparison. (e.g. a function that treats the memory blocks as a string pointer and compare the actual strings).

This function is used to sort the list or find a key.

See also

Name Description
TFPSListCompareFunc Compare list items callback signature
TFPSListCompareFunc Compare list items callback signature
TFPSMap.Find Find data using the associated key
TFPSMap.IndexOf Index of key pointed to by AKey
TFPSMap.OnDataPtrCompare Callback to compare 2 data items
TFPSMap.Sort Sort the list according to key

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