
Encode a year and day of year to a TDateTime value


Source position: line 324

  function TryEncodeDateDay(const AYear: Word; const ADayOfYear: Word; 
                           out AValue: TDateTime) : Boolean;


TryEncodeDateDay encodes the values AYear and ADayOfYear to a date value and returns this value in AValue.

If the encoding was successful, True is returned. False is returned if any of the arguments is not valid.

See also

Name Description
EncodeDateDay Encodes a year and day of year to a TDateTime value
EncodeDateMonthWeek Encodes a year, month, week of month and day of week to a TDateTime value
EncodeDateTime Encodes a TDateTime value from all its parts
EncodeDateWeek Encode a TDateTime value from a year, week and day of week triplet
TryEncodeDateMonthWeek Encode a year, month, week of month and day of week to a TDateTime value
TryEncodeDateTime Encode a Year, Month, Day, Hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds tuplet to a TDateTime value
TryEncodeDateWeek Encode a year, week and day of week triplet to a TDateTime value


Program Example84;
{ This program demonstrates the TryEncodeDateDay function }
Uses SysUtils,DateUtils;
  Y,DoY : Word;
  TS : TDateTime;
  If TryEncodeDateDay(Y,DoY,TS) then
    Writeln('Today is : ',DateToStr(TS))
    Writeln('Wrong year/day of year indication');

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