
Return the period (in years, months, days) between two dates


Source position: line 264

  procedure PeriodBetween(const ANow: TDateTime; const AThen: TDateTime; 
                         out Years: Word; out months: Word; 
                         out days: Word);


PeriodBetween returns the timespan between 2 dates (ANow and AThen), expressed as a number of years, months and days in the parameters Years, months and days. Only complete years, months and days are reported.

If ANow is before AThen, their values are reversed so the result is always positive.

See also

Name Description
DaysBetween Number of whole days between two TDateTime values.
MonthsBetween Calculate the number of whole months between two TDateTime values
WeeksBetween Calculate the number of whole weeks between two TDateTime values
YearsBetween Calculate the number of whole years between two TDateTime values

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