
Calculate which occurrence of weekday in the month a given day represents


Source position: dateutil.inc line 378

  function NthDayOfWeek(const AValue: TDateTime) : Word;


NthDayOfWeek returns the occurrence of the weekday of AValue in the month. This is the N-th time that this weekday occurs in the month (e.g. the third Saturday of the month).

See also

Name Description
DecodeDayOfWeekInMonth Decode a TDateTime value in year, month, day of week parts
EncodeDateMonthWeek Encodes a year, month, week of month and day of week to a TDateTime value
EncodeDayOfWeekInMonth Encodes a year, month, week, day of week specification to a TDateTime value
#rtl.sysutils.DayOfWeek Returns the day of the week.
TryEncodeDayOfWeekInMonth Encode a year, month, week, day of week triplet to a TDateTime value


Program Example104;
{ This program demonstrates the NthDayOfWeek function }
Uses SysUtils,DateUtils;
  Write('Today is the ',NthDayOfWeek(Today),'-th ');
  Writeln(formatdateTime('dddd',Today),' of the month.');

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