
Raise an EConvertError exception when a day is not a valid day of a year.


Source position: line 392

  procedure InvalidDateDayError(const AYear: Word; const ADayOfYear: Word);


InvalidDateDayError raises an EConvertError exception and formats the error message with an appropriate description made up from the parts AYear and ADayOfYear.

Normally this function should not be needed, the conversion routines call it when they have received invalid arguments.

See also

Name Description
InvalidDateMonthWeekError Raise an EConvertError exception when a Year,Month,WeekOfMonth,DayofWeek is invalid.
InvalidDateTimeError Raise an EConvertError about an invalid date-time specification.
InvalidDateWeekError Raise an EConvertError with an invalid Year, WeekOfyear and DayOfWeek specification
InvalidDayOfWeekInMonthError Raise an EConvertError exception when a Year,Month,NthDayofWeek,DayofWeek is invalid.

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