
Calculate a TDateTime value representing the last day of a year


Source position: dateutil.inc line 137

  function EndOfAYear(const AYear: Word) : TDateTime;


StartOfAYear returns a TDateTime value with the date of the last day of the year AYear (December 31).

See also

Name Description
EndOfAMonth Calculate a TDateTime value representing the last day of the indicated month
EndOfAYear Calculate a TDateTime value representing the last day of a year
EndOfTheMonth Calculate a TDateTime value representing the last day of the month, given a day in that month.
EndOfTheYear Calculate a TDateTime value representing the last day of a year, given a date in that year.
StartOfAWeek Return a day of the week, given a year, week and day in the week.
StartOfTheWeek Return the first day of the week, given a date.
StartOfTheYear Return the first day of the year, given a date in this year.


Program Example27;
{ This program demonstrates the EndOfAYear function }
Uses SysUtils,DateUtils;
  Fmt = '"Last day of this year : "dd mmmm yyyy';

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