
The type of the current token.


Source position: line 1832

public Property
  Token : Char;


This property holds the type of the current token. When Token isn't one of the special token types (whose value can be retrieved with specific methods) it is the character representing the current token.

Special token types:

| toEOF | Value returned by TParser.Token when the end of the input stream was reached. | | toSymbol | Value returned by TParser.Token when a symbol was found in the input stream. | | toString | Value returned by TParser.Token when a string was found in the input stream. | | toInteger | Value returned by TParser.Token when an integer was found in the input stream. | | toFloat | Value returned by TParser.Token when a floating point value was found in the input stream. | | toWString | Value returned by TParser.Token when a widestring was found in the input stream. |

To advance to the next token, use NextToken method.

See also

Name Description
Char Character type (1 byte)
TParser.CheckToken Checks whether the token if of the given type.
TParser.NextToken Reads the next token and returns its type.
TParser.TokenComponentIdent Returns the path of a subcomponent starting from the current token.
TParser.TokenFloat Returns the current token as a float.
TParser.TokenInt Returns the current token as an integer.
TParser.TokenString Returns the current token as a string.
TParser.TokenWideString Returns the current token as a widestring

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