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Collation data book


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 402

TUCA\_DataBook = record
  Base : PUCA\_DataBook;
  Version : TCollationVersion;
  CollationName : TCollationName;
  VariableWeight : TUCA\_VariableKind;
  Backwards : Array[0..3] of Boolean;
  BMP\_Table1 : PByte;
  BMP\_Table2 : PUInt24;
  OBMP\_Table1 : PWord;
  OBMP\_Table2 : PUInt24;
  PropCount : Integer;
  Props : PUCA\_PropItemRec;
  VariableLowLimit : Word;
  VariableHighLimit : Word;
  NoNormalization : Boolean;
  ComparisonStrength : Byte;
  Dynamic : Boolean;
  function IsVariable(const AWeight: PUCA\_PropWeights) : Boolean;


TUCA_DataBook describes a Unicode Collation Algorithm data set. data sets can be registered using the RegisterCollation function or loaded from file using LoadCollation . A collation data book must be specified when comparing unicode strings.

See also

Name Description
Byte An unsigned 8-bits integer
IncrementalCompareString Compare 2 strings using the specified collation
Integer A signed 16-bits integer
LoadCollation Load a binary collation data file from file
PByte Pointer to byte]() type
PWord Pointer to word]() type
RegisterCollation Register a new collation
TCollationName Collation name string type (fixed length)
TUCA_PropItemRec Unicode Collation data item properties
TUCA_VariableKind Options for weighting data
UInt24 Alias for TUInt24Rec
UInt24 Alias for TUInt24Rec
Word An unsigned 16-bits integer
Word An unsigned 16-bits integer