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Register a new collation


Source position: unicodedata.pas line 545

  function RegisterCollation(const ACollation: PUCA_DataBook) : Boolean
                            ;  Overload;
  function RegisterCollation(const ACollation: PUCA_DataBook; 
                            const AAliasList: Array of UnicodeString)
                             : Boolean;  Overload;
  function RegisterCollation(ADirectory: UnicodeString; 
                            ALanguage: UnicodeString) : Boolean;  Overload;


RegisterCollation registers a new collation ACollation in the list of known collations. The collation data can be specified directly (ACollation) or a name of a language (ALanguage) in a directory (ADirectory). The latter option will load the binary encoded collation from file using LoadCollation .

If the collation is loaded correctly, True is returned, otherwise False is returned (for instance when a collation with the same name is already loaded).

See also

Name Description
LoadCollation Load a binary collation data file from file
UnRegisterCollation Remove a collation from the list of known collections.
UnRegisterCollations Unregister all collations.