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Reference for unit 'Math': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
ArcCos Return inverse cosine
ArcCosH Return inverse hyperbolic cosine
ArCosH Return inverse hyperbolic cosine
ArcSin Return inverse sine
ArcSinH Return inverse hyperbolic sine
ArcTan2 Return arctangent of (y/x)
ArcTanH Return inverse hyperbolic tangent
ArSinH Return inverse hyperbolic sine
ArTanH Return inverse hyperbolic tangent
Ceil Return the lowest integer number greater than or equal to argument
Ceil64 Round to the nearest bigger int64 value
ClearExceptions Clear Floating Point Unit exceptions
CompareValue Compare 2 values
Cosecant Calculate cosecant
CosH Return hyperbolic cosine
Cot Alias for Cotan
Cotan Return cotangent
Csc Alias for cosecant
CycleToRad Convert cycle angle to radians angle
DegNormalize Normalize an angle measured in degrees
DegToGrad Convert degree angle to grads angle
DegToRad Convert degree angle to radians angle.
DivMod Return DIV and MOD of arguments
EnsureRange Change value so it fits in a specified range.
Floor Return the largest integer smaller than or equal to argument
Floor64 Round to the nearest smaller int64 value
FMod Floatin point modulo
Frexp Return mantissa and exponent.
FutureValue Calculate the future value of an investment.
GetExceptionMask Get the Floating Point Unit exception mask.
GetPrecisionMode Return the Floating Point Unit precision mode.
GetRoundMode Return the Floating Point Unit rounding mode.
GradToDeg Convert grads angle to degrees angle
GradToRad Convert grads angle to radians angle
Hypot Return hypotenuse of triangle
IfThen Return one of two values, depending on a boolean condition
InRange Check whether value is in range.
InterestRate Calculate the interest rate value of an investment
IntPower Return integer power.
IsInfinite Check whether value is infinite
IsNan Check whether value is Not a Number
IsZero Check whether value is zero
Ldexp Return (2 to the power p) times x
LnXP1 Return natural logarithm of 1+X
Log10 Return 10-Based logarithm.
Log2 Return 2-based logarithm
LogN Return N-based logarithm.
Max Return largest of 2 values
MaxIntValue Return largest element in integer array
MaxValue Return largest value in array
Mean Return mean value of array
MeanAndStdDev Return mean and standard deviation of array
Min Return smallest of two values.
MinIntValue Return smallest value in integer array
MinValue Return smallest value in array
modulus(Float,Float):Float Floating point modulo
MomentSkewKurtosis Return 4 first moments of distribution
Norm Return Euclidean norm
NumberOfPeriods Calculate the number of periods for an investment
Payment Calculate the payment for an investment
PopnStdDev Return Population standard deviation
PopnVariance Return population variance
Power Return real power.
power(Float,Float):Float Raise base to the power exponent
power(Int64,Int64):Int64 Raise base to the power exponent
PresentValue Calculate the present value given the future value of an investment.
RadToCycle Convert radians angle to cycle angle
RadToDeg Convert radians angle to degrees angle
RadToGrad Convert radians angle to grads angle
RandG Return gaussian distributed random number.
RandomFrom Return a random element of an array of numbers
RandomRange Return a random number in a range
RoundTo Round to the specified number of digits
SameValue Check whether 2 float values are the same
Sec Alias for secant
Secant Calculate secant
SetExceptionMask Set the Floating Point Unit exception mask.
SetPrecisionMode Set the Floating Point Unit precision mode.
SetRoundMode Set the Floating Point Unit rounding mode.
Sign Return sign of argument
SimpleRoundTo Round to the specified number of digits (rounding up if needed)
SinCos Return sine and cosine of argument
SinH Return hyperbolic sine
StdDev Return standard deviation of data
Sum Return sum of values
SumInt Return the sum of an array of integers
SumOfSquares Return sum of squares of values
SumsAndSquares Return sum and sum of squares of values.
Tan Return tangent
TanH Return hyperbolic tangent
TotalVariance Return total variance of values
Variance Return variance of values