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Helper for the Boolean type.


Source position: line 638

  TBooleanHelper = type helper type for Boolean
    class function Parse(const S: string) : Boolean;  Static;
    class function Size : Integer;  Static;
    class function ToString(const AValue: Boolean; 
                           UseBoolStrs: TUseBoolStrs) : string;  Overload
                           ;  Static;
    function ToString(UseBoolStrs: TUseBoolStrs) : string;  Overload;
    class function TryToParse(const S: string; out AValue: Boolean)
                              : Boolean;  Static;
    function ToInteger : Integer;


TBooleanHelper is a helper type for the Boolean type. It contains mostly conversion routines to and from other types.


Member Type Visibility Description
Parse Method public Convert string value to boolean value.
Size Method public Return the size (in bytes) of the
ToInteger Method public Convert to an integer value
ToString Method public Convert a boolean value to string.
TryToParse Method public Try to convert a string to a boolean value


Class Description
TBooleanHelper Helper for the Boolean type.

See also

Name Description
TByteBoolHelper Helper for the ByteBool type.
TByteHelper Helper for a byte-typed ordinal value
TCardinalHelper Helper for a Cardinal-typed ordinal value
TInt64Helper Helper for a Int64-typed ordinal value
TIntegerHelper Helper for a Integer-typed ordinal value
TLongBoolHelper Helper for the LongBool type.
TNativeIntHelper Helper for a NativeInt-typed ordinal value
TQWordHelper Helper for a QWord-typed ordinal value
TShortIntHelper Helper for a ShortInt-typed ordinal value
TSmallIntHelper Helper for a SmallInt-typed ordinal value
TStringHelper Helper type for strings.
TWordBoolHelper Helper for the WordBool type.
TWordHelper Helper for a Word-typed ordinal value