Reference for unit 'Variants': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
DynArrayFromVariant Convert a variant to a dynamic arrayt
DynArrayToVariant Convert a Dynamic Array To a Variant
FindCustomVariantType Find a custom variant class on vartype
FindVarData Return a pointer to variant data
GetPropValue Return a property value as a variant
GetVariantProp Get variant valued property
HandleConversionException Convert an exception to a variant exception
Null Return a null variant
SetClearVarToEmptyParam Create an error variant with value VAR_PARAMNOTFOUND
SetPropValue Set a property value as a variant
SetVariantProp Set variant valued property
Unassigned Return an unassigned variant
VarArrayAsPSafeArray Return internal array of variant value
VarArrayCreate Create a variant array
VarArrayCreateError Raise an EVariantArrayCreateError error
VarArrayDimCount Return the number of dimensions of the array.
VarArrayHighBound Return lower bound of an array
VarArrayLock get a pointer to data of a variant array
VarArrayLockedError Raise an EVariantArrayLockedError error
VarArrayLowBound Return lower bound of an array
VarArrayOf Create a variants array of a series of values
VarArrayRef Get a reference to a variant array
VarArrayUnlock Release data captured by VarArrayLock
VarAsError Create an error-typed variant
VarAsType Attempt to cast a variant to another type
VarBadIndexError Raise an EVariantBadIndexError error
VarBadTypeError Raise an EVariantBadVarTypeError error
VarCastError Raise a variant type cast error EVariantTypeCastError
VarCastErrorOle Raise a variant type cast error EVariantTypeCastError
VarCheckEmpty Raise exception if a variant is empty.
VarClear Clear the variant value
VarCompareValue Compare 2 variant values
VarCopyNoInd Not supported
VarEnsureRange Make sure the variant is within a specified range.
VarFromDateTime Create variant from TDateTime value.
VarInRange Check if a variant is in a range of values
VarInvalidArgError Raise an EVariantInvalidArgError error
VarInvalidNullOp Raise an EVariantInvalidOpError error
VarInvalidOp Raise a EVariantInvalidOpError error
VarIsArray Check whether a variant is an array
VarIsBool Check if the variant is a boolean
VarIsByRef Check if the variant is a reference to a value.
VarIsClear Check if a variant is clear
VarIsCustom Check if the variant is a custom value.
VarIsEmpty Check if the variant is empty
VarIsEmptyParam Check if the variant is an error value for VAR_PARAMNOTFOUND
VarIsError Check if the variant has type varError
VarIsFloat Check if the variant is a floating-point value.
VarIsNull Check if a variant is null
VarIsNumeric Check if the variant is a numerical value
VarIsOrdinal Check if the variant is an ordinal value.
VarIsStr Check if the variant is a string
VarIsType Check if a variant is of certain type
VarNotImplError Raise an EVariantNotImplError error
VarOutOfMemoryError Raise an EVariantOutOfMemoryError error
VarOverflowError Raise an EVariantOverflowError error.
VarRangeCheckError Raise an EVariantOverflowError error
VarResultCheck Check the result of an operation and raise exception if not OK.
VarSameValue Check if 2 variants are the same
VarSupports Check if a variant supports an interface.
VarToDateTime Convert a variant to datetime value
VarToStr Convert a variant to string value
VarToStrDef Convert a variant to string value, specifying a default
VarToUnicodeStr Convert a variant to string value
VarToUnicodeStrDef Convert a variant to string value, specifying a default
VarToWideStr Convert a variant to string value
VarToWideStrDef Convert a variant to string value, specifying a default
VarType Return the type of a variant.
VarTypeAsText Return a textual description of the variant type
VarTypeDeRef Returns the resolved type of a variant.
VarTypeIsValidArrayType Check if a variant type can be used in an array
VarTypeIsValidElementType Check if a variant type can be used in an array
VarUnexpectedError Raise an EVariantUnexpectedError error