Reference for unit 'Graph': Types

Type Description
ArcCoordsType Describe the last arc which was drawn on screen
CircleProc Standard circle drawing routine prototype.
clrviewproc Standard clearviewport routine prototype
ColorType Color type alias
defpixelproc Standard pixel drawing routine prototype.
ellipseproc Standard ellipse drawing routine prototype.
FillPatternType Bit pattern used when drawing lines. Set bits are drawn.
FillSettingsType Record describing fill mode
GetBkColorProc GetBKColor callback prototype
getimageproc Standard GetImage procedure prototype.
getpixelproc Standard pixel fetching routine prototype
getrgbpaletteproc This routine prototype is a hook for GetRGBPalette
getscanlineproc Standard getscanline routine prototype
graphfreememprc Procedure prototype, used when heap memory is freed by the graph routines.
graphgetmemprc Procedure prototype, used when heap memory is needed by the graph routines.
graph_float The platform's preferred floating point size for fast graph operations
hlineproc Standard procedure prototype to draw a single horizontal line
imagesizeproc Standard ImageSize calculation procedure prototype.
initmodeproc Standard routine prototype to initialize a mode.
lineproc Standard line drawing routine prototype.
LineSettingsType Record describing current line drawing mode
OutTextXYProc This routine prototype is a hook for OutTextXY
PaletteType Record describing palette.
patternlineproc Standard procedure prototype to draw a patterned line
PCharsetTransTable Pointer to TCharsetTransTable array.
PModeInfo Pointer to TModeInfo record
PointType Record describing a point in a 2 dimensional plane
putimageproc Standard PutImage procedure prototype.
putpixelproc Standard pixel drawing routine prototype
restorestateproc Standard routine prototype to restore the graphical state at a closegraph call.
RGBRec Record describing palette RGB color
savestateproc Standard routine prototype to save the graphical state before a mode is set.
setactivepageproc Standard SetActivePage procedure prototype.
SetAllPaletteProc This routine prototype is a hook for SetAllPalette
SetBkColorProc SetBKColor callback prototype
setrgbpaletteproc This routine prototype is a hook for SetRGBPalette
setvisualpageproc Standard SetVisualPage procedure prototype.
TCharsetTransTable Character transliteration table, with entries for 256 characters
TextSettingsType Record describing how texts are drawn.
TModeInfo Record describing a graphical mode.
TResolutionRec Record describing resolution
ViewPortType Record describing a viewport
vlineproc Standard procedure prototype to draw a single vertical line