Reference for unit 'Graph': Variables

Variable Description
Circle Draw a complete circle
ClearViewPort Clear the current viewport
DirectPutPixel Hook to directly draw a pixel on the screen.
GetBkColor Return current background color
GetImage Return a copy of a screen area
GetPixel Return color of pixel
GetRGBPalette Hook to set a RGB palette entries.
GetScanLine Hook to get a scan line from the screen.
GraphFreeMemPtr Hook to free heap memory.
GraphGetMemPtr Hook to get heap memory
HLine Hook to draw a solid horizontal line
ImageSize Return size to store image
InternalEllipse Hook to draw an ellipse
Line Draw a line between 2 points
OutTextXY Write text on the screen on given position
PatternLine Hook to draw a patterned line
PutImage Draw an in-memory image to the screen
PutPixel Draw a pixel on the screen
RestoreVideoState Hook to restore a saved video mode
SaveVideoState Hook to save the current video state
SetActivePage Set active graphical page
SetAllPalette Specify a complete new palette
SetBkColor Set background drawing color
SetRGBPalette Set palette entry using RGB value
SetVisualPage Set video page which is displayed.
VLine Hook to draw a solid vertical line