Reference for unit 'Graph': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
Arc Draw part of a circle
Bar Draw filled rectangle
Bar3D Draw filled 3-dimensional rectangle
ClearDevice Clear the complete screen
Closegraph Close graphical system.
DetectGraph Detect correct graphical driver to use
DrawPoly Draw a polygon
Ellipse Draw an ellipse
FillEllipse Draw and fill an ellipse
FillPoly Draw, close and fill a polygon
FloodFill Fill an area with a given color
GetArcCoords Return coordinates of last drawn arc or ellipse.
GetAspectRatio Return screen resolution
GetColor Return current drawing color
GetDefaultPalette Return default palette
GetDirectVideo Determine whether direct video mode is active.
GetDriverName Return current driver name
GetFillPattern Return current fill pattern
GetFillSettings Return current fill settings
GetGraphMode Get current graphical modus
GetLineSettings Get current line drawing settings
GetMaxColor return maximum number of colors
GetMaxMode Return biggest mode for the current driver
GetMaxX Return maximal X coordinate
GetMaxY Return maximal Y coordinate
GetModeName Return description a modus
GetModeRange Return lowest and highest modus of current driver
GetPalette Return current palette
GetPaletteSize Return maximal number of entries in current palette
GetTextSettings Return current text style
GetViewSettings Return current viewport
GetX Return current cursor X position
GetY Return current cursor Y position
GraphDefaults Reset graphical mode to defaults
GraphErrorMsg Return a description of an error
GraphResult Result of last graphical operation
InitGraph Initialize graphical system
InstallUserDriver Install a user driver
InstallUserFont Install a user-defined font
LineRel Draw a line starting from current position in given direction
LineTo Draw a line starting from current position to a given point
MoveRel Move cursor relative to current position
MoveTo Move cursor to absolute position.
OutText Write text on the screen at the current location.
PieSlice Draw a pie-slice
queryadapterinfo Function called to retrieve the current video adapter settings.
Rectangle Draw a rectangle on the screen.
RegisterBGIDriver Register a new BGI driver.
RegisterBGIfont Register a new BGI font
RestoreCrtMode Restore text screen
Sector Draw and fill a sector of an ellipse
SetAspectRatio Set aspect ration of the screen
SetColor Set foreground drawing color
SetDirectVideo Attempt to enter direct video mode.
SetFillPattern Set drawing fill pattern
SetFillStyle Set drawing fill style
SetGraphMode Set graphical mode
SetLineStyle Set line drawing style
SetPalette Set palette entry using color constant
SetTextJustify Set text placement style
SetTextStyle Set text style
SetUserCharSize Set user character size for vector font
SetViewPort Set the graphical drawing window
SetWriteMode Specify binary operation to perform when drawing on screen
SetWriteModeEx Set write mode (extended version)
TextHeight Return height (in pixels) of the given string
TextWidth Return width (in pixels) of the given string