
Determines whether the list is sorted or not.


Source position: classesh.inc line 867

public Property
  Sorted : Boolean;


Sorted can be set to True in order to cause the list of strings to be sorted. Further additions to the list will be inserted at the correct position so the list remains sorted at all times. Setting the property to False has no immediate effect, but will allow strings to be inserted at any position.


When Sorted is True, TStringList.Insert cannot be used. For sorted lists, TStringList.Add should be used instead. If Sorted is True, the TStringList.Duplicates setting has effect. This setting is ignored when Sorted is False. !!!

See also

Name Description
TStringList.Add Implements the TStrings.Add function.
TStringList.Duplicates Describes the behaviour of a sorted list with respect to duplicate strings.
TstringList.Insert Overrides the TStrings.Insert method.
TStringList.Sort Sorts the strings in the list.