
Implements the TStrings.Add function.


Source position: classesh.inc line 855

  function Add(const S: string) : Integer;  Override;


Add will add S to the list. If the list is sorted and the string S is already present in the list and TStringList.Duplicates is dupError then an EStringListError exception is raised. If Duplicates is set to dupIgnore then the return value is the index of the previous entry.

If the list is sorted, new strings will not necessarily be added to the end of the list, rather they will be inserted at their alphabetical position.


If the list is sorted and the string S is already present in the list and TStringList.Duplicates is dupError then an EStringListError exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
TStringList.Duplicates Describes the behaviour of a sorted list with respect to duplicate strings.
TStringList.Insert Overrides the TStrings.Insert method.