1.3 Global directives

Global directives affect the whole of the compilation process of a single compilation unit (program, unit, library). They also have a command line counterpart, which is given for each of the directives. They must be specified before the first statement different from the program, unit or library clause in a source file, or they will have no effect.

  1.3.1 $APPID : Specify application ID.
  1.3.2 $APPNAME : Specify application name.
  1.3.3 $APPTYPE : Specify type of application.
  1.3.4 $CALLING : Default calling convention
  1.3.5 $CODEPAGE : Set the source codepage
  1.3.6 $COPYRIGHT specify copyright info
  1.3.7 $D or $DEBUGINFO : Debugging symbols
  1.3.8 $DESCRIPTION : Application description
  1.3.9 $E : Emulation of coprocessor
   Intel 80x86 version
   Motorola 680x0 version
  1.3.10 $EXTENSION : Extension of generated binary.
  1.3.11 $FRAMEWORKPATH : Specify framework path.
  1.3.12 $G : Generate 80286 code
  1.3.13 $IMAGEBASE : Specify DLL image base location.
  1.3.14 $INCLUDEPATH : Specify include path.
  1.3.15 $L or $LOCALSYMBOLS : Local symbol information
  1.3.16 $LIBPREFIX : Specify library filename prefix.
  1.3.17 $LIBRARYPATH : Specify library path.
  1.3.18 $LIBSUFFIX : Set the library suffix
  1.3.19 $MAXSTACKSIZE : Set maximum stack size
  1.3.20 $M or $MEMORY : Memory sizes
  1.3.21 $MINSTACKSIZE : Set minimum stack size
  1.3.22 $MODE : Set compiler compatibility mode
  1.3.23 $MODESWITCH : Select mode features
  1.3.24 $N : Numeric processing
  1.3.25 $O : Level 2 Optimizations
  1.3.26 $OBJECTPATH : Specify object path.
  1.3.27 $P or $OPENSTRINGS : Use open strings
  1.3.28 $PASCALMAINNAME : Set entry point name
  1.3.29 $PIC : Generate PIC code or not
  1.3.30 $POINTERMATH : Allow use of pointer math
  1.3.31 $PROFILE : Profiling
  1.3.32 $S : Stack checking
  1.3.33 $SCREENNAME : Specify screen name
  1.3.34 $SETPEFLAGS : Specify PE Executable flags
  1.3.35 $SMARTLINK : Use smartlinking
  1.3.36 $SYSCALLS : Select system calling convention on Amiga/MorphOS
  1.3.37 $THREADNAME : Set thread name in Netware
  1.3.38 $UNITPATH : Specify unit path.
  1.3.39 $VARPROPSETTER : Enable use of var/out/const parameters for property setters.
  1.3.40 $VERSION : Specify DLL version.
  1.3.41 $WEAKPACKAGEUNIT : ignored
  1.3.42 $X or $EXTENDEDSYNTAX : Extended syntax
  1.3.43 $Y or $REFERENCEINFO : Insert Browser information