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IInterfaceList : Method overview by Name

Member Visibility Description
Add(IInterfaceList) default Add an interface to the list
Clear(IInterfaceList) default Clear the list
Delete(IInterfaceList) default Remove an interface from the list
Exchange(IInterfaceList) default Exchange 2 interfaces in the list
First(IInterfaceList) default Return the first non-empty interface in the list.
Get(IInterfaceList) default Retrieve an interface pointer from the list.
GetCapacity(IInterfaceList) default Return the capacity of the list.
GetCount(IInterfaceList) default Return the current number of elements in the list.
IndexOf(IInterfaceList) default Return the index of an interface.
Insert(IInterfaceList) default Insert an interface in the list.
Last(IInterfaceList) default Returns the last non-nil interface in the list.
Lock(IInterfaceList) default Lock the list
Put(IInterfaceList) default Write an item to the list
Remove(IInterfaceList) default Remove an interface from the list
SetCapacity(IInterfaceList) default Set the capacity of the list
SetCount(IInterfaceList) default Set the number of items in the list
Unlock(IInterfaceList) default Unlock the list.