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Get the numeric value of the character


Source position: character.pas line 90

  class function GetNumericValue(AChar: UnicodeChar) : Double;  Overload
                                ;  Static;
  class function GetNumericValue(const AString: UnicodeString; 
                                AIndex: Integer) : Double;  Overload
                                ;  Static;


TCharacter.GetNumericValue returns the numerical value (ID) of the Unicode character. The character can be presented in 2 ways: AChar, a UTF16 Unicode character, or a surrogate pair in a Unicode string AString starting at position AIndex.


If AIndex is not a valid character index in the string AString, an EArgumentOutOfRangeException exception is raised. If the character at that position is not complete, an EArgumentException exception is raised.

See also

Name Description
TCharacter.GetUnicodeCategory Get the Unicode category of a character