
Convert a length-limited array of widechar to an unicodestring


Source position: ustringh.inc line 40

  function WideCharLenToString(S: PWideChar; Len: SizeInt) : UnicodeString;


WideCharLenToString converts at most Len widecharacters from the null-terminated widechar array S to an unicodestring, and returns the unicodestring.


No validity checking is performed on S. Passing an invalid pointer may lead to access violations.

See also

Name Description
StringToWideChar Convert a string to an array of widechars.
WideCharLenToStrVar Convert a length-limited array of widechar to an ansistring
WideCharToString Convert a null-terminated array of widechar to an unicodestring
WideCharToStrVar Convert a null-terminated array of widechar to an ansistring