
Find case-sensitive matches of a string using a Boyer-Moore algorithm


Source position: strutils.pp line 255

  function FindMatchesBoyerMooreCaseSensitive(const S: PChar; 
                                             const OldPattern: PChar; 
                                             const SSize: SizeInt; 
                                             const OldPatternSize: SizeInt; 
                                             out aMatches: SizeIntArray; 
                                             const aMatchAll: Boolean)
                                              : Boolean;
  function FindMatchesBoyerMooreCaseSensitive(const S: string; 
                                             const OldPattern: string; 
                                             out aMatches: SizeIntArray; 
                                             const aMatchAll: Boolean)
                                              : Boolean;


FindMatchesBoyerMooreCaseSensitive finds occurrences of OldPattern (with length OldPatternSize) in S (with length SSize). The search is performed case-sensitively, and all (zero based) positions are reported in aMatches. If aMatchAll is True, all positions will be reported. If aMatchAll is False, only the first position is reported.



See also

Name Description
FindMatchesBoyerMooreCaseInSensitive Find case-insensitive matches of a string using a Boyer-Moore algorithm
StringReplace Optimized search-and-replace algorithm