Reference for unit 'Crt': Procedures and functions

Procedure/function Description
AssignCrt Assign file to CRT.
ClrEol Clear from cursor position till end of line.
ClrScr Clear current window.
cursorbig Show big cursor
cursoroff Hide cursor
cursoron Display cursor
Delay Delay program execution.
DelLine Delete line at cursor position.
GotoXY Set cursor position on screen.
HighVideo Switch to highlighted text mode
InsLine Insert an empty line at cursor position
KeyPressed Check if there is a keypress in the keybuffer
LowVideo Switch to low intensity colors.
NormVideo Return to normal (startup) modus
NoSound Stop system speaker
ReadKey Read key from keybuffer
Sound Sound system speaker
TextBackground Set text background
TextColor Set text color
TextMode Set screen mode.
WhereX Return X (horizontal) cursor position
WhereY Return Y (vertical) cursor position
Window Create new window on screen.