
Save the contents of the string to a stream.


Source position: classesh.inc line 760

  procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);  Virtual;  Overload;
  procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream; IgnoreEncoding: Boolean)
                        ;  Overload;
  procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream; AEncoding: TEncoding);  Virtual
                        ;  Overload;


SaveToStream saves the contents of the stringlist to Stream. It writes the strings to the stream, separated by end-of-line markers, so each 'line' in the stream will contain 1 string from the stringlist.


An EStreamError exception can be raised if the stream cannot be written to.

See also

Name Description
TStrings.LoadFromFile Load the contents of a file as a series of strings.
Tstrings.LoadFromStream Load the contents of a stream as a series of strings.
TStrings.SaveToFile Save the contents of the list to a file.